23 de marzo de 2010

Sunny days..

¡Lo siento muchísimo! Hace mucho tiempo que no publico nada... Espero que podáis perdonarme, no volverá a pasar...¡lo prometo! =) He estado de exámenes y no he tenido mucho tiempo libre.
El sol comienza a brillar en Sevilla...es genial. Me encanta sentir el sol en mi cara...¡por fin es primavera! Y pronto será veranito...¡qué ganas tengo!
Hoy podéis ver fotos bajo el sol, con todo mi cariño... =D

I'm very sorry!! I haven't  post since a long time...I hope you can forgive me, this won't happen again...I promise you =) I've had some exams to do and... I haven't had so much free time. 
Sun it's starting to shine here in Seville... It's perfect. I love feeling the sunshine on my face... It's spring! And it's going to be summer soon... I'm anxious. 
Today, you can see sunny pictures, with love! =D

I'm walking on sunshine...ooh!

1 comentario:

Cupcakes are fashion ! dijo...

You're really pretty !

http://cupcakesarefashion.blogspot.com/ :D


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